Belarus 2020. Dictator Lukashenko and the pro-Russian regime silence mass protests through extreme violence and human rights violations. In Lukashenko's Belarus, there is no place for all that constitutes Belarusian culture. What happens when your identity is erased? What happens when you are considered a terrorist in your own country. What happens when you are never allowed home again? Cultural identity and art, connected by traditional slavic embroidery characterize my work and maintain Belarusian culture through the modern day. 

Жыве Беларусь !
work and live in Karlsruhe, Germany


02/2024: Group exhibition "Flintenweiber" with Ulla von Brandenburg, 
12/2023: Group exhibition Gallery Künstlerbunker, 
Leverkusen (Germany)

07/2023: Annual exhibition of the Academy of fine arts
Karlsruhe (Germany)

05/2023: Art Karlsruhe, 
Karlsruhe (Germany)

12/2022: Group exhibition Gallery Künstlerbunker, 
Leverkusen (Germany)

05/2022: Group exhibition Gallery Künstlerbunker, 
Leverkusen (Germany)


08/2022 EHU, Vilnius Litauen, DAAD scholarship Programm: 
Platformization of Politics in Non- democracies: 
Belarus in the 2020s in Comparative Perspective

Since 10/2022 Academy of fine arts, Karlsruhe Diploma fine arts, 
painting and graphics
class of Prof. Franz Ackermann

10/2019- 03/2022 University of Cologne
Bachelor of Arts, Art and Philosophy


DAAD Scholarship for education abroad
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